Thursday, February 18, 2010

"Didn't time just FLY?"

Here is the typical question I get when I tell someone that my beautiful daughter is about to turn one.  Of course, the "typical" mom would answer, "Oh yes!  I just can't believe it!"  But, here in the OTHERmotherhood, I feign weepiness and try to produce the "right" answer, but to no avail.  You see, I'm a realist.  I've never been too good at candy-coating anything.  (Well, except maybe during sorority rush, but combine southern sun, adorable outfits, and cutesy greek songs and the fake just pours out!)  So, I give my standard answer: "Well...some days I think how fast it's gone, and other days I think to myself 'My God it's been a long year!'"  And that's the honest truth.  My daughter has just grown like a weed, and each and every day it seems that she has learned something new.  On the other hand, I think back to those first days in the hospital, and the long, sleepless, stressful, frustrating nights that followed, and I think "Phew! Glad that's over!"

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