Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Toddler Talk

Carson is talking up a storm.  Chatty Carson.  Nonstop.  It's hilarious and a bit annoying at the same time.  Don't get me wrong, I'm ecstatic that she can now tell me what she wants or needs (sometimes).  And, she can often tell me what hurts - which brings feelings of relief and anti-anxiety I wouldn't trade for anything.  She also has an attitude.  I am often standing there, looking at her, thinking, "Where in the world did she learn that?" 

 The other day, I was picking her up from daycare when a fly buzzed by our heads.  I starting gingerly singing "Shew fly, don't bother me, shew fly, don't bother me.  Sh--"  I was suddenly interrupted by my lovely 19 month old daughter putting her hand on my mouth and saying "Hush, momma."  WHAT?!  She also likes to tell me to stop, although it's "Top Momma" with her hand pushed out like she's directing traffic.  

I've also noticed lately she likes to just say no - for no reason at all.  It didn't matter what I said, she would just contradict me by saying no.  For example,
Me: "Time for bath!"
CH: "NO bath!"
Me: "Time to go!"
CH: "NO go!"
Me: "Time for a cookie!"
CH: "NO cook- cookie?!  Cookie?!  Peez!"  (yes - mom wins again!)

I love watching Carson's little  big personality form.  It makes me proud that she is so social and outspoken, but reminds me I might have to pull her leash a little tighter. :)

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