Monday, October 11, 2010

Time Flies! (In slow motion)

So you've all heard the cliche saying, "Doesn't time just fly?"  I believe I've already blogged about this topic before, but it took looking at some photos recently for the point to really hit home.  Most people I only see sporadically often say how much Carson has changed.  In fact, my husband used to even say she had grown when he returned from 2-day business trips!  I guess since I'm with her all the time, I don't notice as much.  We took Carson to the park yesterday and put her in the exact same swing that I had taken her to in July 2009.  I couldn't believe what I saw!

I started thinking about all that has happened between these two pictures.  Smiles, giggles, first words, haircuts, kisses and hugs.  Not only has Carson grown, but I've grown so much, too!  We've grown as a family.  

On the other hand, I remember there were some days I thought would never end, some exhausting, sleepless nights, teeth cutting, ear infections, sinus infections, whining and crying.  Those moments sometimes push time into slow motion, causing you to wish these moments away.  

I still haven't mastered the balancing act of "living in the moment" as "time flies", but these pictures definitely brought me to a stop today - hugging onto Carson, and every new moment and memory she creates - a little tighter.  

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