Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Can you even remember your life before her?

Um....YEAH!  This is another "stock" question that new mothers get asked.  I guess I should answer with "No!  I just can't even imagine how I got through a day without her!"  But, alas, I seem to just blurt out, "Yes!  I slept more, I drank more, and I took more vacations!"  Of course I remember my life without my kid!  Now, don't get me wrong, I can't imagine my life WITHOUT her now that she's HERE, but yes, I clearly remember my life before.  In fact, it took many months of mourning to let it go!  I still grieve every now and then... especially on weekends when my sweet baby girl wakes up at 5:45 A.M. on Saturday.  By the way, when do these kids start to realize we sleep in on weekends?

1 comment:

  1. Umm I remember spending 8 hours on a Saturday laying on the couch watching back to back Lifetime Movies. Getting up only to 1. Eat 2. Go to the bathroom 3. Eat and 4. Eat. I could also go to Target and spend hours (literally) walking down every aisle just because I could. Now however, I have get in, get what I need, get out in about 10 minutes. All while dodging every toy in the store to avoid a tantrum (most times we fail at this). Ahh the days....
