Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I heart Publix

I would like to share with you some of the reasons I heart Publix.

  • The minute I walk through the door, I go straight to the alcohol wipes by the door and scrub my cart down before my kid starts sucking and chewing on the metal bars - how convenient! 
  • The "Kids Cookie Club" is behind the counter, and a baker has to actually get a little tissue and grab the cookie of your choice.  This eliminates the booger-eating, snotty-nosed, germ-infested kids that usually put their grubby little fingers all over the cookies - covering them in swine flu!  (Ok - a little dramatic, but you get the picture).
  • It is SO CLEAN!  One time, I was feeding my kid blueberries from the container to buy me a little more shopping time, when she accidentally dropped a couple in the frozen foods aisle.  I swear, before I could even bend over to pick them up, some Publix employee swat team member swooped out of the freezer case and picked them up!  before I could even say "Thanks?!" that green-vested hero was back in the shadows.  I swear those employees are following mothers around with those ear buds just waiting for a clean up on aisle 9.
  • Everyone is so friendly.  Usually, I'm not in the mood to speak to my check out lady or man, or bagger, but those Publix employees suck you right in!  I don't care what kind of day I'm having, I'm donating a dollar to the March of Dimes, Autism Awareness, Breast Cancer Research or MS by the time I'm finished speaking with them! They also seem genuinely interested in what you're buying!  Ok, maybe they aren't, but they sure make me feel that way!  "Hmm...I bet that Velveeta shells n'cheese is going to be delicious!"  (Insert proud face) "Why, yes!  Yes it is!"  Man I'm a good mother and wife!
Publix - you will continue to have my business.  Oh, and thanks for not making me feel bad when I forget to bring my re-useable bags - you know I mean well, and once every couple of months ain't bad!

1 comment:

  1. I heart Publix too! You know how they ALWAYS offer to help you take your cart to your car? Well one day, I let them! It was fabulous! I got to put Brett in his seat, start the car and take a sip of the D.Coke I just purchased and by the time I was done, groceries were in the car, ready to go! Seriously consider taking them up on this offer.
